
Our Programs and Activities

The more they are here the more they learn!

Full-day program (8:30 to 2:30) MWF
Includes Beautiful hands-on Montessori Curriculum, Daily Spanish classes, Continent and Cultural Studies, map making. Arts and crafts, Formal Tea Party, year-round outside play, Winter and Graduation Performances, social/emotional and language skills, music, Individually paced and small group academic and social PreK TK preparation, 2 snacks provided, also includes the lunch program (You provide their lunch) Lunch is a special bonding time during which they take turns setting the table with plates, placemats, cups, and cloth napkins, and ringing the triangle bells to call the children!.  They pour their own water from little glass pitchers. We sing a Bon Appetit song in the language of the day, they practice good manners, and when excused they clean their spot and wash their dishes. We study the Continents to encourage cultural appreciation and learn something about each continent for example music, food, people and customs, differences and similarities, animals and weather and they make a map of the world. To culminate the study we make a pretend passport!   Our goal is to send them to kindergarten confident, with a love for school and learning, and ready socially, emotionally, and academically. 

 Morning Preschool (8:30 to 11:30) MWF
Includes beautiful hands-on Montessori Curriculum classroom work, fun Spanish lesson, and all of the above except lunch program and cultural/continental study

Afternoon Class (11:45-2:30) MWF  Includes the Montessori Curriculum, the lunch program, and all of the above except Spanish class.  They also have classroom work, outside play, stories, and a snack (provided).

After Care MWF 2:30-4:30 PM   You can reserve your place and pay with your monthly tuition or drop in as space permits. Our wonderful teacher assistant Ashley will stay with the children in the afternoon. They can play games and puzzles, do art, work in the classroom or play outside. We need a minimum of three children signed up to provide aftercare.

At Montessori Fun, our primary goals are to have fun, make friends, and love school. We also want them to graduate ready, confident, and capable both socially and academically for the next step in their education.


We work on basic skills such as sitting at circle time, waiting for a turn, phonics and pre-academics, academics, socialization, problem-solving, language development, and courtesy.
We also offer Spanish, music, art, gardening, stories, movement and dance, science, and arts and crafts.
We provide a lunch program during which the children take turns setting the table for all their friends and ringing the bells to call them to lunch. The children love this!
We also study “The Nutcracker” and attend a local performance when possible, which is enriching and fun during the holidays. We participate in the Charlie Brown Tree for the Town of Windsor and have a special tree that the children decorate every year.  We like to have a short holiday performance singing our songs in front of the tree. We support you if you celebrate other holidays, and would love for you to share with us! At the end of the school year, we have a formal tea party, complete with porcelain china and classical music to practice all the good manners we have learned and to dress in our fancy clothes!!! The year ends with a Fun Promotion Ceremony with Caps and tassels and a potluck with a little performance!

Outside play yard and covered deck   We have a FUN shady, double-gated outside yard with slides, a climbing dome, easel painting, swings, and flower gardens for the children to care for. With a large covered deck, we can play outside almost every day, rain or shine. We spend as much time outside as possible often incorporating an outdoor classroom to include work jobs and circle time outside.

The Classroom

is prepared to encourage maximum age-appropriate independence. The children choose individual work activities from the shelf, and put them back when finished completing the cycle and learning age-appropriate responsibility. They learn to care for their classroom and to clean up after themselves with child-size tools. This enables them to feel the pride of true competence, and promote positive self-esteem as a basis for learning.

Multi-ages in the classroom are good for everyone. The younger children learn so much from the older ones and the older ones get a huge boost of confidence as they help the younger ones. When they start as the youngest and stay until Kindergarten it is an amazing process! Their confidence soars at the perfect time, just as they move on into Kindergarten where they will again be the youngest in the school.

We have excellent TK and  Kindergarten preparation, and many parents choose to keep their children here instead of a TK program because of the quality of the education they receive here. We have such small groups and individualized instruction with teachers that really know them as individuals, and the children master the skills they will need academically, emotionally, and socially. We help them prepare for the changes they are going to experience, practicing centers, bells, standing in line, and raising hands. Our graduates have flourished! We have children who graduate to public schools, Cali Calmecac and other charter schools, private schools like Sonoma Country Day School, The Healdsburg School, and many other schools as families often commute from other cities to attend Montessori Fun.

Spanish Every Day With a fun Spanish lesson every day we offer perfect preparation for Kinder at Cali Calmecac or another Spanish Immersion school. Si usted no habla Engles, no preocupa. Podemos ayudar y traducir para los ninos y ellos van a estar hablando Engles muy rapido! Es buen experiencia para todos.


Does my child need to be potty trained?
It is preferred, however, if they are not there 100% we can help and support you.
Are parents required to volunteer time?
No, but you are welcome to volunteer if you like
When will my child start to read?
Many children do learn basic phonetic reading before they graduate into Kindergarten if they stay for TK,  but not every child is ready And that is OK! We offer lots of fun academic preparation
What sets Montessori Fun apart from other preschools?
The small setting of only 12 children per day ( amazing 4:1 ratio) with the same teachers, the joyous Spanish program,  the expertise of the teachers, have earned the school’s excellent reputation . The home setting is a perfect bridge from home to school. They have the rest of their lives to go to large setting schools.
What happens if my child has separation issues?
This is very normal, and if the parent is secure in their decision the child will begin to recover quickly. We will help them to get involved and hold them if they let us, if they are crying. You can always text us to check on them. A short and sweet goodbye ritual helps, sometimes it helps to bring a small love object from home. It usually doesn’t last even two weeks, there are just too many fun things to do here!

A day in the life of Montessori Fun

Daily Schedule (subject to changes for weather and the unexpected )

8:30 Arrival Transition– Short and sweet goodbyes are easiest! (Text us for quick updates on how your child is doing.) Playdough, art projects and outside play. Try not to be late- they need this transitional playtime.
9:00 Ring Bell, line up, take roll, come inside, change into slippers.
9:15 First Circle (English) ABC’s Letter of the Week Sharing, stories, calendar, jobs, lessons, and presentations.
9:30 Free choice work time, including snack.  Bathroom reminders (we remind little ones every hour or as needed).
10:30 Second Circle Fun Spanish songs, games, and stories, new work presentations.
11:00 Outside play
11:30  Morning children go home, full-day children stay,  Outside play
12:00 Afternoon class joins. We wash hands and begin the lunch program -two children set the table for everyone and we hold hands and sing a simple “Bon Appetite” song in the language chosen by the flag helper. We practice good manners and pleasant conversations or stories and stay sitting throughout the meal. So much to learn!
12:30 They take turns clearing their place and washing their dishes (we put them in the dishwasher later). Outside play
1:00 Afternoon class with a long story, circle time followed by small group lessons kindergarten preparation, and individual work time or outside play.
2:15 Wash hands, have a snack and a story outside
2:30 Some children go home, others stay for aftercare until 4:30

The classroom is a peaceful place, on most days anyway, a place of working and quiet for concentration, or relative quiet amid the singing, and happy chatting between the children. They learn good study habits and responsibility when they choose and carry the work from the shelves to a table or rug, do the work job respectfully, and return it ready for the next person. They clean up any spills with “drying cloths” available to them and return the cloth to the basket when finished. The children learn to sit ” criss-cross applesauce” and to listen at circle time, with practice.   We use inside voices and we save pretend and loud running games for outside and respect our special classroom environment. Montessori’s work is grounded in reality. But children also like to pretend and play and do lots of play the rest of the day and outside.

The children love having a place of their own to care for, and their classroom is just for them! They have small chairs, small utensils to clean up with, and fun things set up for them to do within a consistent structure they can count on. They love it here!

With only 12 children per day, the children reap the benefit of the low ratio with an individually based curriculum. We have excellent kindergarten prep and often parents choose to keep them here instead of a transitional kindergarten (TK) program to benefit from what we have to offer. Kindergarten is not what it used to be! We prepare them for the current Kindergarten curriculum they will need experience with.